Thursday, August 23, 2007


In the days since the admit from INSEAD, my anxiety level has dropped suddenly from 100++ to 0.

Obviously this is a good thing, but one downside would be that I don't seem to wake up in time for work anymore. This has been a progressive type thing in that my start time has been getting later and later, so that this morning, I arrived at work at a NORMAL hour for MOST people. For me though, I was 3 hours later than my boss and an hour later than my usual.

Why is this? Well, the night of my admit, obviously, I went out drinking... By looking at my cell phone records, I must have gone to bed at a normal time (got off the phone with my sister at 11PM, and yes, my cell phone was the only way I figured that out...)

The next morning, I was so relaxed and hit snooze so many times my alarm stopped going off. This morning (after going to the gym last night), I was so tired I slept for probably 10+ hours...

All I can say is I hope this wears off by January otherwise I'll be looking for roommates that are willing to wake me up every day...


Nikitar said...
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Dorothy @ INSEAD said...

Well, I'd have to say you win because my "late" is 9AM... My boss gets in by 6:30!

I wish I could come in at 11-12!!

So jealous ;) I'll email...