Thursday, August 23, 2007


Maybe I spoke too soon about my anxiety level... I found out tonight that it looks like I'll only have 3 weekends to packup and move instead of the 5 I'd planned. It's not like I have a ton of stuff to go through and organize. In fact, every time I move, the movers laugh as they ask "this is it????"

But I'm not sure how I'm going to manage, when I was planning to be drinking all of those weekends and actually pack the last two!! (FYI I love to procrastinate...) Maybe I should take some comfort in the fact that it only takes movers an hour to pack up all my earthly belongings. How many days could it possibly take me?

To cope with this new anxiety inducing realization, I spent about 10 min cleaning tonight! Ahhh... much better :)

On my to do list for tomorrow: 1. Resign again!

Anyone have thoughts on luggage?

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